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5th edition of the festival of short films on the world of wine and rural life, with free registration!
Date limite 28 février 2025
Prix 1,000€
Málaga Short Corner is an activity, part of Spanish Screenings Content, designed for the promotion, dissemination and international distribution of the most recent and outstanding short films in our industry.
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Málaga Short Corner
The contest is open to short film scripts in fiction, animation, or documentary, written in Spanish or Valencian/Catalan.
Scripts may have any theme, whether original or literary adaptations, with a maximum length of 25 pages (including the cover), in Courier font, size 12, and must not have begun filming before the start of the Skyline Benidorm Film Festival 2025.
By participating in this contest, authors acknowledge that they own 100% of the copyrights for the submitted works.
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Screenwriting Contest - SkylineFest
This workshop is designed for anyone who has an interest in developing their own perspective and personal style, in returning to the essence of cinema based on cinematographic language and film fact, beyond the plot or script.
This workshop focuses on contemplative and reflective cinema, focused on the power of image and sound. It is aimed at students of art, cinema, photography, audiovisual, film and photography lovers, and professionals and artists with concerns and interest in developing new forms of expression of cinematographic language.
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The theme of the scripts is completely free and may belong to any genre. All works submitted must be original. If the contestant uses a novel, a short story or a text by another author as the basis for the script, the contestant must include in his or her registration the corresponding authorization from the author of the original work.
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Script Competition - IBIZACINEFEST
Desde 2014, Cinéma du Réel ha trabajado junto a profesionales de la industria para impulsar la distribución de películas documentales y fortalecer los vínculos entre cineastas y distribuidores. En la 36ª edición del festival se creó ParisDOC, un evento ideado por Maria Bonsanti, Anaïs Desrieux y la asociación Les Amis de Cinéma du Réel.
Los participantes que asistieron a este evento de dos días tuvieron la oportunidad de ver películas en posproducción, mientras que un día adicional se dedicó a debatir iniciativas orientadas a la distribución cinematográfica. El objetivo del evento, que más tarde se consolidaría como ParisDOC Works-in-Progress y el Foro Público, ya estaba claro: más que abrir un mercado, buscaba abordar los problemas y desafíos que enfrenta la industria del cine documental, promover ideas innovadoras y ofrecer a los profesionales un apoyo y orientación personalizados.
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