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Pitch Feelgood Formats is an international call aimed at creators and producers who have entertainment program projects such as reality, talent, factual, game/quiz, among others, that are original and fresh, and incorporate elements of humor or seek to make people smile. viewer.
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With the purpose of promoting the development of Mexican cinematographic art and promoting this industry as a point of cultural, artistic, social and economic development in our country, Guillermo del Toro, the Mary Street Jenkins Foundation, the Board of Trustees of the International Film Festival in Guadalajara, A.C. University of Guadalajara (FICG Board) and the Fundación Universidad de Guadalajara A.C. (Convening Entities), invite natural persons of Mexican nationality who wish to study in full-time face-to-face bachelor's or master's programs abroad (basic or specialization), in any field related to cinematography, to participate in the Call for obtain the “Jenkins-del Toro Scholarship”.
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Beca Jenkins-Del Toro
Cortolabs is a training space and audiovisual creation laboratory for short films with an environmental focus or theme, which EUNIC Peru, a local cluster of the Network of National Institutes of Culture of the European Union-EUNIC, will carry out in 2024 within the framework of its CineLabs program, in collaboration with the EU Delegation in Peru and the Lima European Film Festival.
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CortoLabs - CCELima
The Short Film Project Laboratory will take place in person on April 18, 19 and 24. With the main objective of promoting the production of short films, the Laboratory has the experience of professionals who work in the audiovisual area.
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Laboratorio de Proyectos de Cortometraje - CURTACINEMA
Nuestra iniciativa Short Film Fund apoya la producción de un guion de cortometraje (20 páginas como máximo) o la finalización de un cortometraje (menos de 20 minutos) con una subvención de hasta 5.000 libras esterlinas (aproximadamente 6.300 dólares), un paquete de alquiler de kits y servicios de posproducción en especie. Los cineastas pueden presentar su candidatura sin necesidad de un productor. Si su proyecto resulta seleccionado, podemos ayudarte a encontrar uno.
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Fondo de Guiones No Solicitados para Cortometrajes