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The National Short Film Meeting – ENC is aimed at producers with projects in the post-production stage, who work on creating release and circulation strategies. Those selected receive personalized support from national and international experts to define a distribution route in festivals and alternative scenarios.
The ENC is a strategy of the Directorate of Audiovisuals, Cinema and Interactive Media of the Ministry of Cultures, Arts and Knowledge, which is carried out with the support of the National Council of Arts and Culture in Cinematography - CNACC and the Embassy of France in Colombia through the Regional Audiovisual Cooperation service for the Andean Countries, the 16th Popayán Short Film Festival and the 22nd Bogotá Short Film Festival – BOGOSHORTS.
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National Short Film Meeting
Nos complace anunciar la apertura del Mercado de Coproducción y Pitching Forum para la edición 2024 de MIA para proyectos de animación, documentales, dramas y largometrajes. Las inscripciones de contenido audiovisual para distribución en salas, transmisión televisiva y transmisión digital ya están abiertas para nuestro Mercado de Coproducción, al que es imprescindible asistir.
Nuestro objetivo es dar la debida visibilidad y oportunidades a todas las obras audiovisuales presentadas en el MIA, en todos los géneros y formatos, y en diferentes etapas de desarrollo y producción, de gran valor artístico, apoyando la libertad de expresión creativa y representando la diversidad cultural y la cooperación, presentando una selección de proyectos en todas las categorías, especialmente los más diversos y aptos para la coproducción, para representar visiones lo más independientes y pluralistas posibles.
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Industry ficmonterrey is a space dedicated to the strengthening and development of the regional and national film industry. Here, film professionals come together to explore collaborations, share knowledge and celebrate alliances.
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he ABCGuionistas Short Screenplay International Contest opens its eighth edition with the collaboration of Altamedia Studios, Instituto del Cine Madrid (Madrid Film Institute), in addition to the brands Marca de Autor and Un Verano de Guion.
The contest has the purpose of promoting the creation of short screenplays in Spanish and the visibility of their authors. It is opened for novel and professional screenwriters of any country seeking to show their storytelling talent, winning exposure and getting rewarded for writing.
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VIII International Competition Short Film Script Abcscriptwriters
The Monterrey International Film Festival (ficmonterrey) invites filmmakers to present their projects for the Work in Progress (WiP) program. This initiative aims to support Latin American and Latin American filmmakers in the US by providing crucial resources for films in post-production. The festival is dedicated to promoting diverse voices and stories within the film industry.
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